Published On: August 17, 2021515 words2.6 min read

Avid drinkers of high quality tea blends are drawn to caffeinated beverages for a plethora of reasons. One of those being, it can give you a moderate caffeine boost (which is subtle in comparison to coffee). So subtle, you can even drink certain teas right before you go to bed.

Whatever your reasoning and methodology may be for drinking tea, it is usually based on your preference and caffeine tolerance.

Tea has some notable health benefits that relate to mood. According to researchers from a detailed study published in the scientific journal Nature, they come to the conclusion that tea has properties that can enhance your mood, improve your focus and potentially fight off feelings of dementia and depression.

People have attested to these facts over the years, which only heightens the interest in the drink. With that in mind, further studies will continue to be had in order to test the long-term effects and consistency of results.

Read along to learn more about what some of these continued studies might look like and what it means for the tea drinking community.

The Mood Benefits of Tea Consumption Studies

The current evidence that’s available has been garnered from various epidemiological studies, which has shown promising results on mood and cognitive functions.

Brain-Boosting Ingredients: 

Additional research is being conducted on the compounds that are giving tea its beneficial results. Tests have been done on some of the key components like 1-theanine and EGCG. The results have suggested that they both contribute on their own and in conjunction with caffeine. A finding from this study showed that volunteers who were drinking nutrient-rich drinks made with 200 mg of I-theanine reported having lower cortisol levels, and felt more relaxed even when participating in stress-induced tasks.

– Other studies in this realm have suggested that tea consumption can potentially improve both your memory and reaction time.

The Need for Additional Research

While the current research has shown much promise for the mental-health benefits of drinking tea–including high quality tea blends that offer additional soothing elements such as chamomile or lavender, more research needs to be conducted in order to solidify these findings.

The biochemistry of caffeine is well understood by researchers, but still more needs to be done in assessing how it interacts with EGCG.

High Quality Tea Blends

Because of its exceptional calming properties, loyal tea drinkers will continue to indulge in a variety of teas. We have a wide variety of teas and tea blends that our team at Tea N’ Things offers our customers.

Looking for a relaxing, mood refreshing tea? We can recommend our made-exclusively for us, Lavender Chamomile, a delightful herbal blend that is perfect for relaxation. Like the boost of caffeine? Any of our Black, Green, Oolong or Yerba Mate will give you that, along with great taste.

If you are on a journey to locate high quality tea blends, you may have already found your one-stop tea shop in Tea N’ Things.

Check out our online tea shop! Browse our great selection of premium blends. Contact us if you have any questions!