Looking for Amanzi Tea? If So, You aren’t Alone.

We began our tea business selling Amanzi Teas at the retail level in California. Without any experience with tea or selling tea, we did very well!

Anyone having tasted these remarkable Amanzi blends understands the popularity and desirability of these teas. Sadly, Amanzi no longer operates their business…not because of the teas, but because of mis-management over too much expansion and poor financial planning.

Even though Amanzi no longer is in business (it’s seven years now), the quest for their teas still persists from their past, loyal customers. We still receive calls.

We have the Amanzi Teas!

As a once premiere retail client of Amanzi and an ongoing lover of the teas, we were able to secure the same teas from the same supplier, in order to continue providing the teas to a grateful community.

Tea ‘n Things offers almost all of the original, popular Amanzi Tea blends. Whether your favorite blend was Strawberry Magic, Daybreak, Vanilla Chai, Moroccan Mint, Earl Grey, Roasted Almond, Very Berry, Lavender Chamomile, Detox, Raspberry Vanilla, Citrus Splash or Georgia Peach…we have it. In fact, every tea we offer has the same high-end European blending that set Amanzi tea apart from the others. If you don’t see one of your past favorites, give us a call. We will track it down for you

In the meantime, let your search for Amanzi Teas end. You have found the right spot with the right people who both know and understand this unusual treasure.