Published On: November 23, 2021700 words3.5 min read

Many avid tea drinkers enjoy the delights of green tea. It’s also one of the healthiest beverages that we can consume–with our green tea antioxidant blend being a testament to that both health wise and popularity. Its popularity has continued in the tea community. 

Here at Tea ‘N Things, we recognize the importance of green tea’s health benefits and how it can help our consumers. Our online storefront carries a wide variety of green tea blends that are viable options for our loyal customers. 

Let’s assess the health benefits of green tea and what the research has revealed up to now.

Healthy Bioactive Compounds in Green Tea Blends

Green tea does more than just quench our thirst. Green tea has an array of healthy compounds which make it the healthful drink we enjoy. Green tea is loaded with natural compounds like polyphenols, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. It is also loaded with catechins, which are antioxidants that focus on mitigating cellular damage. One of the main catechins is called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), with research indicating that this compound is responsible for giving tea its medicinal properties.

These substances are capable of reducing the presence of free radicals, which protect our cells and molecules from damage. You will reap many of these benefits when consuming the blends of green tea that we provide. If you’re looking for an antioxidant-rich blend packed with flavor, you will definitely enjoy our Lychee Pomegranate green tea antioxidant blend, which we’ve dubbed the “antioxidant superstar.” Green tea is already loaded with antioxidants, combining lychee into the mix provides a potent natural anti-inflammatory beverage. We also offer a decaf for those who want to a healthy drink but wish to avoid caffeine!

Can Improve Brain Function

Did you know that green tea can also potentially boost your brain function? It contains caffeine which as we know, is a stimulant (unless you’re drinking decaf.) With that in mind, it’s important to note that green tea doesn’t have as much caffeine as coffee, but it has enough to produce a response, without causing that jittery feeling that people get from other caffeinated beverages. Studies have shown that caffeine has the potential to enhance aspects of our brain functions which include mood, reaction time, memory, and alertness.

In addition to caffeine, L-theanine is another brain-boosting compound with amino acids found in green tea. It increases the activity of neurotransmitters like GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid), which has anti-anxiety effects. Caffeine and L-theanine can be synergistic. Meaning when the two of them are paired, the effects on brain function can be powerful.

Antioxidants Can Lower the Risk of Certain Cancers

Cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells. This is where oxidative damage comes into play. This can augment chronic inflammation in our bodies, which causes the development of diseases like cancer. As previously mentioned, green tea is a good source of antioxidants and some findings have shown that it might lower the risk of some cancers.

Studies have linked the efficacy of green tea compounds with reduced risk, for the following cancers:

– Colorectal Cancer: An analysis of 29 studies showed that those who were consuming green tea, were around 42% less likely to get colorectal cancer.

– Prostate Cancer: A study was conducted on men who drank green tea and how the consumption could lower the risk of advanced prostate cancer.

– Breast Cancer: Findings compiled from observational studies have shown that women who drank a lot of green tea had a 20-30% lower risk of getting breast cancer, one of the most common cancers in women.

Purchasing Our Green Tea Antioxidant Blend

You can’t go wrong with green tea, but why not go a step further? Our delicious Lychee pomegranate green tea antioxidant blend is the perfect tea to drink on a daily basis to do your body those small but important nutritional favors.

Now that you’ve gathered further insight on green tea’s benefits, please go ahead and purchase from any of our selections through our online tea store. Visit us today and glance at our full inventory to see all of the teas that we offer!