Offering our customers the choice to buy Ayurvedic tea is just the surface of our interest in Ayurveda. Roughly 5,000 years ago Ayurveda (one of the oldest forms of traditional medicine) practiced its system of knowledge with historical roots from India’s Vedic culture.

Ayu meaning “life” and Veda “science”, translating to “The Science of Life”. Ayurveda is an ancient form of medicine which emphasizes that balancing of the mind, body and spirit as being essential for holistic well-being.

Ayurveda teas

In Ayurveda, the universe if made up of five elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Space. Within these elements there are three doshas (or energies) that make up our physical and mental states.

While every individual is a combination of all three energies, depending on the stage of life we’re in, we each portray qualities specific to our dominant dosha or energy state at certain times of our lives.  This special combination of the three doshas is what truly keeps us in balance. However, various fluctuations in the seasons, weather, food choices, lifestyle, time of day, relationships and more can cause stresses to our bodies and imbalances in our system.

Ayurveda experts advise that certain practices and daily activities can help you achieve balance with your doshas..  Some of these activities include: consuming certain herbs & spices, calming music, yoga and meditation, aromatherapy, essential oils and more.  Our new Aryurvedic  teas are an extension of this concept of being in balance. The teas are so tasty, you would never know how good they are for us.


The 3 doshas and which ayurvedic tea will best compliment them!


Vata has qualities that represent Wind and Air.  Vata people tend to be quick thinkers, sensitive, fast movers, and thin with cold hand and feet!  Vata’s are known to be creative, expressive, active, flexible and quick learning (but forget easily). Does this sound familiar to you?  When imbalanced, Vata’s tend to be quick nervous, anxious, worriers and indecisive.

Vata’s tend to enjoy foods that are warm and nourishing such as stews, soups, chilis, root vegetables, nuts and seeds and avoid cold foods and light salads.  They tend to enjoy gentle yoga classes, which help releases nervous tensions and promote good digestion, clarity and calmness. Lastly, Vata’s prefer calm, cozy and warm environments and enjoy nature walks and guided meditation to help relax the body and mind.

The tea ‘n things Vata tea, “Stress-less” is preferred, if you’re feeling scattered or worried.  Made with a warming blend of cinnamon pieces, licorice root, fennel, ginger pieces, orange peel and cardamom, this rich blend is sure to keep you centered all day. Contains Licorice root. So avoid in case of high blood pressure.


Pittas have qualities that reflect Fire and Water- fiery personality, and warm body temperatures.  This hot element enjoys cooling treatments and moist conditions that can help regulate their overall body temperature.  When Pitta’s are in balance, they’re warm, friendly, sharp, intelligent and highly organized. However, they can be stiff, angry, arrogant and judgmental when out of sync.

Pitta’s govern body temperature, sight, perception and metabolism.  They can find balance through cooling foods and herbs, like cucumber, fennel, coriander, peppermint and citrus fruits, and should avoid spicy or fermented foods.

In terms of yoga, Pittas may benefit from a practice that promotes openness and patience, resulting in feeling of relaxation and restfulness.  Lastly, deep breathing exercises and setting realistic goals can help keep Pitta’s core energy balanced and in harmony with the rest of the body and mind.

The tea ‘n things Pitta tea, “Cool Balance”, is great when you’re feeling overheated and need something to help calm you down.  This cooling tea is made with a blend of cinnamon pieces, whole cardamom, licorice root coriander, fennel, ginger pieces and rose petals and will leave you feeling refreshed and balanced.  A sweet and soft taste with a delicate accent. Contains Licorice root. Avoid in case of high blood pressure.


Kaphas portray qualities of earth (the heaviest element of all) and water.  Thus, Kaphas are calm, with solid body frames and high endurance. When in balance they can be stable, compassionate, affectionate, patient and forgiving, and when not, they tend to feel lethargic, complacent, possessive and insensitive.  Moreover, when sick they may have a buildup of mucus, a cough or susceptible to the flu.

Kaphas can find balance through foods that stimulate the digestive tract with warming, spicy, light and dry foods and enjoy light fruits, most vegetables and spices like pepper, ginger and cloves. It seems Kaphas have the best stamina of all three doshas, and enjoy a variety of energizing activities.   Lastly, meditation may help Kaphas be open to the joy of the flow of life, bringing peace, lightness and inner calmness to the outer world.

The tea ‘n thing Kapha tea, “Vitalizer”, is an uplifting tea crafted with delicious blend of ginger root, whole coriander, whole cardamom, turmeric root cloves and nutmeg that will help when you’re feeling tired and sluggish.  Tumeric is the important spice in curries and provides the distinctive flavor and spiciness for a vitalizing effect.

Buy Ayurvedic Tea: Our Offerings

Following Ayurvedic principles to balance the Doshas while maintaining the high expectation of good taste, we also offer:

Tulsi Orange Ginger

Almost every homemade Ayurveda tea recipe contains both Tulsi (holy basil) and ginger. Our blend brings and orange flavor to this wonderfully, calming, stomach healing and balancing tea. Ingredients: tulsi herb, apple pieces, orange peels, green rooibos, ginger pieces, rose pepper, cardamom and cinnamon.

Tulsi is good for drinking anytime of the day and even into the evening. Like Chamomile, it helps to relax you. The best  ayurvedic tea for winter days, especially if you aren’t feeling well, is holy basil, or tulsi. The name means “incomparable one,” and the herb comes from one of India’s most sacred plants.

Ginger Fresh

A combination of Ayurveda teachings and European wellness ideas come together in this fresh lemongrass and spicy ginger blend, with licorice giving the extra touch of sweetness and balance to the ginger. Ginger’s sweet, spicy flavor stokes the agni (digestive fire) and is ultimately nourishing,

Ingredients: lemongrass, licorice root, ginger pieces (25%), peppermint, lemon peel, and black pepper corns. Contains Licorice root. Avoid in case of high blood pressure.

Yoga Tea

Yoga tea is a classic Ayurvedic tea. Our blend adds stinging nettle leaves to the other classical ingredients for a vitalizing tea. It is very good should milk (25%) be added to the tea and maybe sweetened with honey, if you like.

Ingredients: cinnamon pieces, ginger pieces, stinging nettle leaves, cloves, blackberry leaves, cardamom seeds, white peppercorns.

For any questions about our tea, contact us today!