Published On: February 11, 2022584 words2.9 min read

Oolong tea has been around China and Taiwan for centuries. If you haven’t yet tried Oolong tea and are looking to broaden your tea-horizons with a separate category of tea, you’ll find that it’s well worth your time. Premium oolong tea blends combine the qualities of both black and green tea, but its specific properties put it in a league of its own. For those wondering “is oolong tea good for you?” Here are 4 reasons why Oolong tea may be uniquely good for you.

The Process Of Oxidation

We can’t discuss oolong tea without mentioning the process of oxidation. For those who are unfamiliar, oxidation is the process that determines what type of tea we will have. It can oxidize between 8-80%, which also helps in assessing how rich the tea is. To put it into perspective, black tea is allowed to fully oxidize during processing. This gives the tea leaves their dark color and malty aroma that it’s known for! Green tea on the other hand is barely oxidized, so the leaves will retain its original green leaf color and fresh-picked flavor. 

Oolong is somewhere in the middle, and is best described as a partially oxidized tea. As a result, some flavor profiles of oolong can lean towards green or black tea. The biggest difference between oolong and black or green tea is the oxidation level and leaf shape. In addition to oxidation, Oolong teas are sautéed to further enhance their flavor

Potential To Improve Your Sleep

Improve sleep? Even more reason to be excited! Sleep is one of the most important things we can give our bodies in order to properly recuperate, and premium oolong tea blends have the potential to increase the quality of your nightly slumber. Research has suggested that when GABA is paired with L-theanine, it can cause longer sleep and reduce sleep latency. Oolong contains both of these, with the regular strain having about 0.25 mg of GABA per 200 ml, while the levels in enriched oolong blends contain 2 mg per 200 ml. You can read more about this here. 

Enhancing The Gut Microbiome

You may have heard that imbalances in gut bacteria can cause health issues for many individuals. From liver disease to inflammatory bowels, metabolic disorders, etc, imbalances of any kind are never a good thing. Oolong tea could be the one remedy that enhances your gut microbiome. Oolong can bring restoration for the presence of healthy bacteria in the gut. Aren’t convinced? Check out the full explanation of how this works from the full study published in the National Library of Medicine. The compilation from the mechanistic studies shows the potential that oolong, along with black and green tea, have in modulating microbial diversity.

Helps With Weight loss

Studies have shown that Oolong tea can be a great resource for losing weight. This is because Oolong tea increases the body’s metabolism. This does not mean that a cup of oolong tea and a slice of banana cream pie is the way to weight loss. It would be best to drink oolong tea on a regular basis along with a sensible weight-loss diet.

A Provider Of Premium Oolong Tea Blends

We hope that you gained a lot of insight on oolong tea. If you want access to high-quality blends, your best bet is to purchase them from our online tea store. Tea N’ Things welcomes you to browse our full selection of oolong tea. For any additional questions, contact us today!