Published On: August 12, 2021925 words4.6 min read

We are curious–what do you think of when you think of drinking tea? You may picture a steaming cup of green or amber liquid, maybe in a nice porcelain or glass cup sitting atop a saucer in picturesque, traditional fashion. You may think of wellness, yoga, meditation, eastern traditions. As an online tea store, we are always curious.

Whatever you think, it has likely been conditioned by images and ideas found throughout the world, as tea is one of the oldest beverages consumed by humans. From ancient Chinese monks discovering tea could refresh, renew, and invigorate their spiritual practice to a bunch of young upstarts in Boston who chucked a ton of it into a harbor, kickstarting a series of rebellions because of ye olde tax on such an important, vital commodity to the colonies.

Tea has represented many different things to many different people, but today it is probably most known for just how incredibly good for you it can be. Let’s take a look at some health benefits of drinking such a popular beverage.

#1 – Tea is Rich in Polyphenols

The first and most impacting health reason is that tea is rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are a type of plant compound that is said to offer health benefits to those that consume them. Heart disease, type 2 diabetes, various cancers, and other maladies are said to be affected by polyphenols. You may have heard about this compound as being something positive about drinking red wine or eating chocolate. There are many types of polyphenols which act as antioxidants and tea is one of the substances that is very high in them.

#2 – Tea Can Help You Lose Weight

Tea can help you lose weight. Surely, you’ve heard this. It’s important to remind yourself that drinking tea alone won’t excuse the double cheeseburger, or lemon merengue pie you stuffed down last night.

However, in the confines of a healthy diet and moderate exercise tea fits in snug like a glove. Don’t believe us? Take it from one of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world, Nature. Their comprehensive study asserts that tea—particularly green tea, can have impactful effects on body composition and the reduction of cardiovascular risk through weight loss when paired with adequate protocols such as aerobic exercise and caloric restriction.

Teas, especially Oolongs, possess a type of flavonoid (catechins) that may potentially boost metabolism and thus the ability to oxidize fat.

Caffeine (found in most teas) is also in many cases an appetite suppressant and is said to temporarily reduce feelings of hunger or the desire to eat, which can make caloric restriction or fasting more tolerable. While every person’s body is different, there’s something to be said about fasting in the morning. Morning tea makes this much more achievable.

#3 – Tea Is a Great Replacement for Coffee

Speaking of coffee, wouldn’t it be easier to lose weight drinking coffee too, since it contains caffeine? Good question! It could, but the difference is coffee is pretty dang potent. We’re not anti-coffee here, far from it. However, drinking tea has certain advantages over coffee.

  • It’s less acidic
  • The caffeine buzz is a lot steadier due to L-Theanine (an amino acid) so you don’t suddenly crash
  • Tea simply has less caffeine so it’s easier to not overdo.

Many of these benefits have been amplified for the sake of dieting or fasting, if you’re trying to lose weight. Beyond dieting, drinking a highly acidic beverage such as coffee on an empty stomach isn’t good for your system and may also lead to a too quick absorption of caffeine leading to jitteriness or hyperactivity. Granted, it greatly depends on the person, but put aside your love of coffee for a moment and truly assess if upset stomach, jitters and hyperactivity have happened to you. Chances are they have.

Does this mean you have to give up coffee? No, of course not! But maybe a second or third cup in the day is not your best choice. Perhaps perusing our online shop will help you find something tasty and rejuvenating that would be a suitable switch from yet another cup of coffee. If you’d like to start your morning off right, may we recommend the Daybreak blend of tea from our online tea store?

It’s a delicious, customized blend suited to give a morning boost that even coffee drinkers can appreciate. Another good morning possibility would be Carmel Yerba Mate. The Incas referred to Mate as “the nectar of the Gods.”

#4 – Making Tea is Relaxing

The last reason is perhaps the most subjective: making tea is relaxing. Not just a beverage, but the central focus of many traditional formal rituals, the allure of tea has always been partly in the preparation of it.

Steeping and preparing tea is a relaxing activity—one that has been itself steeped in the traditions of Buddhism and mindfulness. You don’t have to be a monk to appreciate a quiet moment of steeping a tea with careful consideration to the temperature and time needed to produce a quietly satisfactory cup.

Tea N’ Things Online Tea Store

But before you do that, you’ll need the tea. It’s always best to purchase from a high-quality online tea store. The good news is if you’re reading this, you’ve already found one in Tea n Things.

Contact Tea N Things today and check out our online tea shop! Browse our green, black, oolong, rooibos or other varieties.